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2017-04-13 15:58   审核人:   (点击: )

    Tianjin Vocational Institute is specialized in 3-year period vocational education and some 5-year programs are also been introduced. There are 14 teaching entities in the college, 10 of them are regular sub-colleges which are listed as below, and rest four: Further Education, Social Science, Basic Course and Physical Education are not included in following table for they offer constant training and public course such like college English and mathematics and without specific majors.


    1 School of Mechanism and Automation

    2 School of Biological and Enviromental Engineering

    3 School of Economics and Management

    4 School of Electronics and Information Engineering

    5 School of Tourism Management

    6 School of Art Engineering

    7 School of Optometry

    8 School of Public Management

    9 School of Packaging and Printing Engineering

   10 School of Automotiv Engineering



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